Friday, July 16, 2010

Islanders Shmilanders

Charles Wang's Lighthouse Project appears dead, which has lead to more baseless but predictable mentions of KC as a potential landing spot for the Islanders. To me there is zero link between the Islanders and KC at the moment, but it's made enough noise on the intertubes I figured I'd toss up some links.

It's true Wang was mentioning KC as a bargaining ploy a year ago, but to his credit, he hasn't brought up KC once since the preseason game last September that I'm aware of. (Perhaps he wasn't pleased that we didn't play along with a big turnout for the game.) Wang bought the Islanders because he loves Long Island, not because he loved hockey. By his own admission, he didn't know much about hockey when he bought the team. I can see him selling the team, but I can't see him moving the team out of the NYC area. Oh, and the Isles' lease at their current arena doesn't expire until 2015.


Report: NY Islanders Keeping KC As A Backup Plan
 (the interview with Chris Botta on that page is worth a listen)
Kansas City Reportedly Remains An Option For The NHL's NY Islanders
Is Kansas City a Plan B if NY Islanders' Lighthouse Project falls through?

KC Still In Mix For Islanders? Doubtful

Why Not KC For The NHL?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kansas City Concepts at Hockey Jersey Concepts

Blogger Ryan over at Hockey Jersey Concepts has posted concepts both for an update of Scouts uniforms and for a hypothetical team, the Kansas City Express.

Scouts (click for more images):

Express (click for more images):